This post is going to be a little bit religious, you are forewarned... Don't like it don't keep reading but you'll be missing out :)
So in my school we have this program called advocacy which just means our schedule gets horribly messed up and for twenty minutes we go to a teacher who for most of us we've never had and chill and talk about whatever the lesson plan is. Today the lesson was on suicide. Suicide rates apparently have been really high these past few years this year alone the state of Utah has had 18 teen suicides (yes I'm talking about 2013). That is something that deeply saddens my heart. I understand that sometimes it is so hard to see that light at the end of the tunnel and remain hopeful that this bump in the road will iron out to bigger and better things. If people could just see that and keep pushing on that'd be awesome. I also understand sometimes the person isn't screaming for help on the outside and it appears as if nothing is wrong, but on the inside they are dying. With the stress and pressure of being in high school it's hard to hold on. Having a great relationship with God and amazing friends during this stage of life is crucial. I don't know where I'd be if it wasn't for my personal relationship with Jesus Christ and the everlasting support of my friends... I probably would've snapped by now.
As a Junior in high school I started to realize that what I do now affects what I will be doing later. My C's which were passing killed my 3.8 GPA. The stress started eating me away and I felt myself falling apart, and wasn't sure how to handle it. I remembered that I didn't have to be alone, I have Heavenly Father and his Son Jesus Christ on my side! I fell back onto prayer and felt better. Whenever I feel myself falling (which as a Senior in 2 AP and an honors class I do so often) I open up my journal where I record my prayers and start praying, almost instantly I feel a sense of calm wash over me and I am able to breathe again. My friend Sarah also helped by always being there when I needed her to be there and I am grateful for that.
Maybe if these teens had that personal relationship with Christ than suicide wouldn't have happened. I pray that more and more people do start developing that relationship, it could really help. A personal experience a few years ago has removed suicide out of my mind as an option. I've seen what it can do to those left behind... it's devastating losing anybody close to you but when you lose them that way it's heart-wrenching. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. If you are reading this and you find yourself considering suicide please know it does get better. Life moves on, just hang on. Don't be selfish, because suicide is very selfish. The only person who'll feel any better is yourself. The people you leave behind will never be the same again. Again I say, suicide is a PERMANENT solution to a TEMPORARY problem! Ending your life is not the way to solve anything. You'll only be hurting others. Even if you think you are a nothing, nobody loves you THAT'S NOT TRUE!!!!!!!!! EVERYBODY IS IMPORTANT AND YOU ARE LOVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Talk to someone, get on your knees and start praying but please don't ever give up! You are special and someone out there will be devastated beyond belief if you are gone. Even if it seems like nobody loves you, you will ALWAYS have Jesus and he loves you so much that he died for you on that cross. So please DON'T GIVE UP! There is a light at the end of the tunnel, there is hope! JUST HANG IN THERE!!!! :)
Becca- how strong and courageous you are to speak out about Jesus. We need more teenagers to not be worried of what their friends might think, but to be proud of their faith. This is a great post and I hope many read it who need it.